The garden

Season 7 wrap up

Kim Anh Nguyen. Pilgrimage

Our Season 7 exhibition, held from October 2015 to June 2016, was entitled “Pale and interesting” and continued our exploration of glazes and decorative techniques, with an emphasis on pastels and lighter shades. We really enjoyed putting this exhibition together and living with it during the year. Amongst new works we bought for the exhibition were salt-glazed vases by John Dermer, bowls by Shannon Garson and Marina Pribaz  and a handsome installation piece called “Pilgrimage” by Kim Anh Nguyen (illustrated). A number of visitors made their way down our gravel road to see the exhibition and we had a steady flow of sales through our online shop.

We opened the season as one of three gardens hosting a progressive lunch for the Bemboka Garden Club. Blessed with another year of wonderful rain, our garden thrived and David and I grew fit mowing the lawns in tandem with our push mowers. In March we welcolmed our first grandson, Thomas James, into the world. Now on our winter break, I am about to begin the task of packing up the current exhibition. Visitors are till welcome by appointment and we will let you know more about what we are planning for Season 8 in a few week’s time.

This summer in the garden

05. Silver birches

For a second summer we are having bounteous rain and David and I have been spending many hours in the garden – between visitors to the gallery – mowing, edging and weeding. This year I joined the five silver birches along the fenceline in this photograph into two long beds and planted  some Ajuga Reptans to form a future dense groundcover. Other beds showing good form this season can be seen in this Flickr album.